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Club Membership


We have many great activities and monthly meetings throughout the entire year.  As a member you will have access to the "Members Only" section of our website, Member Emails and Updates, and a Club window decal.  There are Soft goods, Special Tools and Service Manuals for members to borrow, as well as a 5% discount on Fiero parts at the Fiero Store  (

Once a member, you can view all the latest information, including articles and pictures of recent events in the Members Only section of the website.

Yearly Membership  is $30 per year for the US and $45 for Canada/Outside the US if paying via Check or M/O*

*Paying online is $31 per year US or $46 Canadian/outside the US.
This additional cost covers the payment processing fees

Joining at the $30 / $45 rate is simple.  Click here to download the Membership Application. Please include a check or money order with this application and send it to the address below. A

Michigan Fiero Club

P.O. Box 70324

Rochester Hills, MI  48307

If you'd like to pay online, you can fill out the Registration form below.  

We look forward to meeting you!


Register and pay online
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Thanks for joining the Michigan Fiero Club!

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